Here She Grows

Here She Grows
Oh Mommy 15 weeks pregnant

Bun in the Oven

I am pregnant for the first time with a healthy baby and it has been such a joy. I can't believe how much you can love someone that you haven't even met yet. The excitment of seeing our boy's little face for the very first time is something we can't wait to see. There will be first smiles, first laughs and a few other firsts that will be on that lists that might be not as pleasant but definetly worth it. I think being a mommy is something that every woman should experience at least once in her lifetime. I love watching my belly grow and there is never a day that passes that I don't talk (or sing) to our unborn baby boy. My husband and I have been together for years and we are very excited to have a new addition in our lives. Three peas in a pod. What a cozy pod it will be.

I would like to share some of my experiences through my pregnancy to my family and friends because you all mean so much to me. And I would love to hear about all of your own experiences as well because so far I am just fasinated by what the female body is capable of. I want to hear the good, bad and even the embarressing. It's too bad that men never get to experience all the beauty of carrying a baby in their belly. I am so happy that I have had the chance to know what it is like to be pregnant. I think sometimes woman forget what a blessing it is. And each pregnancy is unique and beautiful. So please share your thoughts. I am an open book so don't be shy.

Me and Baby Mitchell

Me and Baby Mitchell
Jody bought this shirt for me and our boy


29 weeks pregnant

My Baby Shower

My Baby Shower
8 months pregnant

Bikini Baby Bump

Bikini Baby Bump
Just over 8 months pregnant

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dizzy Girl

I have been feeling very dizzy the past few days. I feel like I just got off a crazy roller coaster ride. Another side effect that can happen in your third trimester. I haven't felt like this since the middle of my first trimester. Could be the lack of sleep that I have been having. Speaking of sleep, I have been having some really strange dreams. Sometimes I can't tell if they are real or not. I have had dreams of our baby boy talking like a grown man. A drunk grown man. What's that about? I've also had dreams of Vampires chasing me wanting to turn my baby and me into one of them. That's got to be from watching too many movies or something. Oh ya, I've also been feeling either our boys head or butt pushing against my rib cage the past week. We went to see the movie "The Wolfman" and through the whole movie he was pushing so hard that it got quite uncomfortable. No matter how I sat in my chair he just wouldn't move. Oh well, not much longer to go.

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